📄️ 1. Introduction
📄️ 2. Hardware Basics
So you’ve decided to join our Christmas light hobby and have a light display on your house (or apartment, shed or car).
📄️ 3. xLights
Typically light shows in this hobby use some free open source software called xLights.
📄️ Terminology
As with any Hobby or community, there becomes almost a second language of terms that are ‘known’ and by just coming into the hobby it can take a while to understand, below we’ve started to put some of the commonly used terms so you can quickly get to speed with the discussions (and some of the community jokes)
📄️ Shopping List
Everyone loves buying things for a hobby and so we've put together a list of accessories that may come in handy for you (and some of them make great gift ideas to add to a Christmas / Birthday List)