📄️ Introduction
BaldrickSwitchy Features
📄️ Where can I buy?
The BaldrickSwitchy is a brand new board so currently for sale in the UK, if you are interested in stocking (or you'd like a bulk order), get in touch.
📄️ Board Overview
Board Overview
🗃️ The Web Interface
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🗃️ First Boot
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📄️ Board Button
The BaldrickSwitchy comes with an onboard button that when held for 5 seconds during the board boot process, the controller will reset to factory settings, everything will be removed including the latest firmware and it will be the the 'shipping state' where you click to update to the latest firmware
📄️ Control From Baldrick8
One of the powers of the Baldrick family comes from what we call the Turnip Network and one of the first uses of this is how easy it is to use the buttons on your Baldrick8 board to control a Baldrick Switchy.
🗃️ Common Questions
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📄️ Release Notes
The Baldrick Boards all use a shared firmware which means that not every version number will apply to every board.