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Advanced Settings

  • Enable Beta Updates Sometimes we put updates out that aren't quite ready for prime time (or in the case of a Seasonal Freeze, it's an update which isn't critical)

  • Permanent Device Offset At this current state of development and to comply with all data protection and GDPR laws, Signals gives you a static number of the devices detected, in many cases there will be devices detected which are present all the time (such as your phone).

You can offset this by putting a number in this box (the number will never go below zero!)

  • Crowd Multiplier Depending on your audience type, you might find that your audience isn't quite representative of the number of mobile devices detected (if you have a lot of young children visiting with parents you might find it vastly under counts)

You can offset this by putting a multiplier in this box (the base number minus the offset will be timesd by this amount)