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BaldrickSwitchy Web Interface Stats

The Stats board gives you a heads up as to what's going on with your controller


Tells you how long your controller has been powered on (this is useful in June to remind you that you forgot to turn it off over christmas)

Frame Rate​

This lets you know what FPS (Frames Per Second) the controller is currently outputting (Why would I need this for a relay board you may ask, and we will let you keep guessing)

Network Throughput​

Like the FPS, this gives you an indication of the volume of network traffic passing through the controller, this should help with debugging


With a sensor next to the Ethernet connector, this gives you an indication of the board temperature (in Celsius) because water freezes at 0, not 32.. how does that make sense?

Generally, PCBs and components are good for -40 to +85°C, Anything below 60°C on this board is fine and nothing to worry about. If the temp is above that, try blowing on it like you would a hot chip out of the oven.

Firmware Version​

Let's you know what version firmware your BaldrickSwitchy is currently running

(clicking the new version will upgrade it in place then restart the controller)

IP Address​

Tells you the current IP address of the Baldrick Switchy