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baldrickboard.local not loading

We use something called mDNS to make the magical URL appear and respond, however this doesn't work for every operating system (it also doesn't work for those lucky people who have more than one Baldrick Board).

You'll notice that when you look at the Baldrick Board, there isn't a screen! That's because we used all the ports for pixels, so you will need to find the I.P. Address of the board yourself, luckily this isn't too difficult.


if you have xLights installed then you can use the included xScanner to look at all the devices on your network, it can be a large list that's a little overwhelming but you are looking for a device called BaldrickBoard (or Baldrick8).


We recommend the Free Mac App IP Scanner which will search up to 25 devices on your network for free, plenty for most households.


If you are using Linux and you need a help document written in a sarcastic tone to tell you how to find the I.P. address of a device added to your network, can we recommend you follow this tutorial