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Why no screen?

Finally, a question we actually get a fair amount!

During our prototyping phase we realised that adding an LCD to the boards not only added additional cost, it also reduced functionality as the the screen (and buttons if any) would require more ports and well, we want to use them for core functionaility.

Generally, you only need a screen when setting up the board to work out what IP address it is.

Instead of a screen we've implemented some quality of life features to make that better.

  • The board will respond to baldrickboard.local in most cases

  • The board will detect other boards on the network and allow you to find out their name, details and sync test mode.

  • If those fail, we have a nice Guide on finding the IP

So no screens ever?​

We've plenty more boards in development and the decisions and methodologies behind each one are different so never say never